Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments for discomforts, pains, cramps, irritability, and other conditions before, during, and after menstruation.
Traditional Chinese medicine has extensive methods to diagnose the issues related to gynecological problems. Here are some essential TCM diagnoses for menses:
1-If you have pain:
- Before menses, it could be related to liver Qi(energy) stagnation
- Beginning of menses could be related to liver blood stasis
- At the end of menses, it could be related to blood deficiency
- If pain eased by heat, it could be related to the accumulation of cold in the uterus and also blood stasis
- If the pain is mild, it could be related to Yin deficiency or blood deficiency
- If the pain happens during ovulation, it could be related to the accumulation of dampness or phlegm
2- Based on the color of blood:
- Bright red could be related to blood heat
- Light red could be related to blood deficiency
- Purple could be related to liver blood stasis
- Dark burgundy could be related to the accumulation of cold and also blood stasis
- Crimson red could be related to Yin deficiency
- If it's watery, it could be related to Yang deficiency
3- Based on consistency:
- Dark large clots could be related to liver blood stasis
- Dark small clots could be related to the accumulation of cold and also blood stasis
- Stringy clots, could be related to the accumulation of dampness or phlegm
Chinese medicine offers acupuncture and herbal therapy as an effective treatment for many different conditions related to menstruation.
Hooman Jamshidi
Registered massage therapist, Registered Acupuncturist, Certified personal trainer
Founder @ Dur1 Health
C: 416.726.4652